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Wednesday 28 October 2009

Bangalore:The Innocent Woman

Life is a big obsession but we never care about it , we always ignore good moment, we laugh if someone talk about awful incident which happen in their life. We forget God but He knows and that’s why suddenly one day we will remember that there is someone who is watching us, sending signal that beware , anything can happen any time so love this precious life.

I am going share one of horrible incident of my life. I am working in Bangalore from last 2 year and I have to catch my bus from HP petrol pump Koremangla everyday, before that I used to come in cab which was provided by my employer. That time I was in second shift and I have to pick up my cab near from Madiwal bus stop at 1:30 pm everyday.

It was a usual Friday day , I wake up , had my breakfast and was planning to take my photograph from Kodak shop near to Forum, I think, time should be approximate 1:05 Pm, After that I have to pick my Cab also, so I was starting from my room and listening music on my ipod, usually which I like to do. I was near to Madiwal bus stop and just going to pass the Madiwala bus stop, I saw some people and school children are seating on the bus stop and waiting for bus. I saw that same time one bus came and they are trying to get into the bus, I just saw them and move ahead, I believe , I was 10-20 step away from the bus stop and listen a very huge and horrible sound, I was just seating on the same place and just move back , I saw huge smoke going on and one lady was falling on earth, people were standing tro and fro and no one going near to the woman, then one guy who also injured, was weeping and calling for help , later we know that he was her husband, The woman , was died on the spot, I was felling restless and fearful. Man was weeping and blood was falling from his head. Later police came and confirm it was a bomb blast which was posted near to bus stop. Same day there are 9 blast in Bangalore which killed two people and injured many. Whenever I go to Madiwala bus stop, I often remembering the woman, later in news paper I read , the woman and her husband was living in Bangalore past few year, they were from some near places of Bangalore and come in Bangalore for work. They both working in some company and that black Friday her husband got pain in his stomach and they went to St. Joseph Hospital for some medical test, but due to less money, they were not able to carried out the test and going home to bring money for test. They were waiting for bus at Madiwala bus stop where the whole incident happening. Whenever , I am going near to that Madiwala bus stop, I often think about that day and that “Innocent women”. What was her mistake, just a bad moment. God give her peace. The happen due to bad circumstances, we don’t know what will happen tomorrow, We can not know all these only God knows , so please never forget God. I still remember that “Woman” and I think, I will always. Now a days I have to catch bus from HP petrol pump and I have to cross the bus stop everyday and I always remember that bad day, As of Now BBMP destroy that bus stop due to constructing the road but still , when ever go there, I feel that someone is laying down on earth and asking us WHAT WAS MY MISTAKE…. And left lot of question for us??

Everyday God wake up us and telling do some good work before dying but everyday we neglect His instruction, we don’t know up to what time we are here, so please care for this valuable life and pay regards to God, for giving us this beautiful, charming and splendor world to live , It is in our hand that which type of world we want to make it “PEACEFUL or FEARFUL”…Choice in our Hand.

Have a great and cheerful life….

1 comment:

  1. I'm shivering after reading the article....I wonder you must be having sleepless nights even today when the thought crosses your mind....

    God, please give heart to all those evil minds.
